An ever-growing list of Latinx directors who have at least 2 fully-realized productions in the past five years, or recent experience in new or devised work.

This is intended as a resource for producers and directors to identify racially and culturally diverse creative teams for theater projects in the US. Please use this resource thoughtfully. Look carefully through the information provided to identify appropriate creatives for your specific project.

This is intended as a resource to connect with Women/Non Binary/Two Spirit Dramaturgs of Color

The 50 Playwrights Project is engaged in providing accessible information about contemporary Latin@ theatre artists. This project serves as a dramaturgical and pedagogical database for artists, educators, scholars, and students who are looking for more online information about playwrights: where are they from, how do they identify, what are they working on, what advice would they give to aspiring artists, and links to relevant online resources.

The novel coronavirus (COVID-19/SARS-CoV-2) is a global pandemic virus currently prevalent throughout NYC. This document contains information and resources to help New Yorkers respond to the coronavirus. Please note there is a lot of misinformation out there so please check all medical/science information with the current CDC and WHO guidelines.

A significant resource dedicated to connecting Artists with remote work in an effort to support some of the most vulnerable demographic. With the closure of theaters across the country, hundreds of thousands of artists were left stranded in an economy that didn’t really value the importance of their role. This document is a collective attempt to offer every resource available to employ anyone through remote work.

X Casting NYC aims to serve as a catalyst for greater community-building and resource-sharing for women, BIPOC, and LGBTQ actors. Therefore— to activate the wisdom and diversity of the global community around us, we invited actors to join in this effort collectively to co-create this Google doc which aims to profile and list every Casting Society of America (CSA) Casting Director in NYC, LA, and London (please note this version currently only lists Casting Director members in CSA and not Casting Associates, we hope to release an Associate level project soon). This tool is a great way to research and create a game plan for the casting directors you will want to strategically approach and follow. The aim here is for you to use the collective document for your own personal and professional gain. Remember, building movements for justice and liberation such as this leverage relatively simple interactions and relationships to create complex patterns and transformations. Transparency and collective resource sharing are deep values of X Casting, and we offer this tool to ensure all our success in the field. (